Ebook: Outsourcing vs. Pejotization

Outsourcing started in Brazil in the 1970s, with the idea of ​​decentralizing the secondary activities of companies and focusing on the main activity.

According to Art. 4-A, of Law 6,019 / 74 (amended by the Labor Reform, Law 13,467 / 17):
Art. 4º-A. Provision of services to third parties is considered to be the transfer made by the contractor of the execution of any of its activities, including its main activity, to a legal entity under private law that provides services that has an economic capacity compatible with its execution.

"Pejotization" refers to the contracting of services performed by individuals, in a subordinate, non-occasional and costly manner, carried out by means of a legal entity, in an attempt to circumvent any employment relationships, being NULL OF FULL RIGHT, in the form art. 9 of the CLT, for violating constitutionally guaranteed rights (art. 7, CF / 88), as well as the principles of human dignity (art. 1, III, CF / 88) and the social valorization of work (art. 170 and 193, CF / 88).

To clarify possible doubts on the topic, we gave an exclusive lecture to associates in partnership with Dr. Gilce Lerner, legal counsel of Unindustry and compiled this e-book where you can find:

  • Service Outsourcing Concept
  • Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing
  • Requirements for hiring a service provider
  • Cautions when hiring a service provider
  • Pejotization
  • Temporary job

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