“People Management” was the theme that guided the debates of the fourth PDD module

The Leaders Development Program (PDD), which took place on Friday and Saturday, reached its fourth module. Based on the theme "People Management", Professor Paulo Roberta Villamarim explored the topic of how to manage people. Initially, a scenario was contextualized, showing that those who manage people are mainly managers and that the Human Resources sector should be a facilitator so that this work flows in the best possible way.

At the opportunity, the teacher worked on the importance of leadership, highlighting the competence of managers to relate to people who, according to him, today, the most important in the workplace are good relationships in trust environments, so that people are engaged in business strategies. The role of the leader is then to invest in the engagement, formation, and enchantment of people.

During the two days of immersion, the communication problem was strongly worked out. According to Professor Paul, few companies have a perfect communication system. To work on the theme, he brought a game where it is possible to show how an effective communication process should be done within organizations. An exercise was carried out in which the companies were mixed and the participants had to report good communication practices within their companies.

This exchange, according to the teacher, is very important, since a good communication practice of one company can be adopted in another. "It's important for people to know how to listen, to be assertive, and to have people's ability to give and receive feedback," he said. For this, a feedback interview simulation was done, in which trios were formed, who worked on real problems. The dynamics were as follows: a person gives the feedback, one receives and the third person observes the process. "I formed trios doing double with people from the same company and the third one did not. Outside people can observe a lot. The dynamics were very rich, seen with another look and full of contributions. Then I explained the process and the importance of feedback, "Paulo explained.

At the end of the program the "team" theme was worked out, in which it was talked about how to form a high performance team. Those present made a diagnosis of the team and the actions in which the team should require investment. After that, an activity of about three hours was performed in which the variables involved when working with people were analyzed. The activity was based on "game theory", which counts on cooperation, competition, betrayal and other seven variables involved in which permeates confidence. According to Professor Paulo, "when you can gain trust, everything flows, before that there is competition, betrayal and so on. That is, we closed the module with the many variables that I worked on throughout the module ".

Brastelha's HR manager Helena Maria Badalotti participated for the first time in the PDD and left the classroom satisfied with the new teachings. According to her, the moment was of excellent quality and many experiences. "Professor Paulo, with extensive experience and knowledge in the area of ??Personnel Management, has provided us with several tools for the HR sector as managers and leaders so that we can form our teams and be more professionally competitive in our companies. I am absolutely certain that we will have another vision and use all the tools that we have experienced during these two days of intense learning. "


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