Unindustry launches portal

The night of Wednesday, the 7th, marked the launch of the new Unindústria portal. Versatile, innovative and with an advanced system, the site allows associates and the general community much more than quick access to the information of the Unindustry and its associates. Having a web page has become indispensable in the technological age. Thinking about the dynamism that the networks can provide, the Unindustry sought to innovate and offer differentials in its portal.

In this sense, through our link, unindustria.ind.br, you will have access to the history and board of Unindústria. You will have access to the news and the clipping of releases sent to the press and released spontaneously. There is also the section that outlines the benefits to your company of being an associate.

However, one of the differentials of this portal is the button "solutions", where it is possible to access the benefits that Unindústria has for the associated companies; there is still the section of the digital certificates, a great differential available to individuals and companies with significant discounts on this material, in addition to the already well-known training sessions for employees of associates and the famous business missions, business trips through national and international fairs .

Another differential of the Unindústria portal are the classified ones. A kind of "business detachment" in which anyone can access and check what products are for sale. In this space, the associates will announce products for sale as machines and equipment, vehicles, computers and etc, as well as announce their intentions to purchase specific equipment. It will also have a section so that interested people can register curricula in the database that the more than 100 associates theme access, as well as check job vacancies that are being divulged by the associates and sign up directly for the advertised vacancy.

The new platform will be a new precursor to the development of large companies that may originate from this work. Badalotti also pointed out that "we have sought to make the portal organized and versatile for both members and external audiences, who will have the opportunity to register curricula, to know more about Unindústria, to associate and even to buy products that will be on sale", explained the president.

The future is pure innovation

At the end of the day, we were present at the lecture by Alexandre Weimer, founder of O2 Multicommunication, co-founder of TODAY2018 and passionate about entrepreneurship, Weimer spoke about technologies and the importance of undertaking in the digital age, entitled "The Way Forward: innovation ".


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