Financial planning for product export and import

Every marketing process requires organization and good financial planning is paramount to a good operation. However, one of the main reasons that lead Brazilian companies to interrupt export processes is the absence or partiality of this financial planning. The chairman of the advisory board of the industry and owner of Deholog, Antonio Carlos Carbonari Junior explained that the lack of good planning makes this type of operation difficult which requires a constant flow of work and money, as well as different nuances of the internal market.
This fact, very common in companies, often induced by lack of knowledge, ceases to relieve their prices (withdrawal of national taxes), which at the moment they take the export route cease to focus on products and raw materials, making it impossible to international negotiation. Carbonari states that the opposite way can also happen, when prices such as customs, port, insurance and other costs such as packaging, developments, processes and changes that should compose the exported products are generated generating unearned expenses and consequently losses.
In the end all these empirically made calculations usually generate additional losses or costs. This, according to Carbonari, is because prices are fixed at the time of closing of the deal and made through additional documents, the traditional invoice, which often makes it impossible to change it.

Trading abroad
Trading with companies from other continents does not follow the same logic and pace as national companies, and special care must be taken with socio-cultural differences. For each region or country there are peculiarities and specific ways of conducting meetings and operations, as well as the popular bargain. Carbonari underscores the importance of understanding, for example, that a woman in an Arab country wearing regional clothing can accelerate business. In the same vein, understanding that not delivering or buying a minimum quantity for the Chinese is normal and for the Indians is an offense and that can make all the difference in closing a deal.
Deholog, which specializes in import and export advice, acts more directly with the Chinese market. With China as the country that most operates the company worldwide, Carbonari recalls that in the home of a Chinese provider women and children do not participate in business. “During the visit they will smoke and drink something and that is normal there. That is why I emphasize the importance of knowing that when you are in a different culture, you need to adapt to it. In this case, for example, not participating can cause discomfort. The Chinese don't like to lose sales and when under pressure they tend to lower the price of their initial offer. That is why it is always important to fit the culture we are in, ”explained Carbonari.
In addition to a good financial plan, it is important to understand and respect the culture of the country your business will negotiate. In this sense, the Unindustry promotes meetings and business trips that make it possible to discuss issues that cover foreign trade. If you have a company that is interested in joining import and export and is not a member, please contact us and inquire to become a member. The Unindustria is located at Rua Castro Alves, 39, Room 01- Centro, Erechim-RS. Contact: (54) 2106-5982.


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