How to avoid default

Default implies non-payment of an account or debt. The delinquent consumer, besides having an outstanding debt, compromises the working capital and the financial health of the companies. Unindustry legal advisor Gilce Lerner outlines some tips for reducing default and the problems it entails for the industries and managers of the associates.

In such a delicate economic time, it is important to be aware of whether your business is contributing to increased defaults to some extent. The pursuit of quick results, boosting production and sales without taking some precautionary precautions can be a defaulting behavior that compromises business in the medium and long term.

According to Gilce, each entrepreneur should look for strategies to, according to the business and customer profile, act with greater safety and quality. In times of crisis, quantity can be a factor in energy expenditure and loss, not profit. “Statistically, the impulsive consumer generates more delinquency than the planned buyer. Detect it. It is important to consult the financial profile of the consumer, verifying in the delinquent records the existence of negatives, protests or any kind of problem that restricts her name, ”explained the lawyer.

Other simple internal procedures can help reduce default and recover outstanding amounts. Gilce points out that in forward sales it is essential to request customer documentation. A complete record of all data, including social security number, personal and professional address (including, if possible, spouse's), e-mail, phone numbers and digital contact networks can help contain default rates or facilitate credit recovery. .

In the digital age, Gilce points out that customer relationships can be expanded. “Implementing innovative, non-invasive or embarrassing practices can be a good solution, as keeping in touch by phone alone is no longer enough. Multichannel service coupled with data intelligence and proactive profile analysis increases the chances of debt renegotiation. Remember: Most debtors suffer from this and want to settle. Keep a line of communication, ”he explained.

In addition to these tips, the legal advisor points out that in many businesses it is essential that a contract is well written. A clear, transparent and case-specific contract provides greater security, prevents litigation and reduces the chances of default.

It takes all these precautions not to become a debtor company when trying to recover default. Common lawsuits seeking compensation for moral damages are common due to the lack of prior notification of the debtor regarding their inclusion in the delinquent register (SPC / SERASA); for having paid or renegotiated the debt and not having removed the negative restriction; by the creditor depositing postdated checks before due dates and other cases. Therefore, if in doubt, contact the Unindústria and use the legal advice service provided.


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